
How Accurate are Dried Blood Spot Kits?

Numerous case studies show that dried blood spot sampling kits are highly accurate and can be used to identify a wide range of diseases. Read on for more details.

What is a DBS Test Kit?

DBS kits are used to simplify diagnostic medicine and improve the quality of healthcare by making blood samples easy to carry out. Read on for more details.

What is Blood Spot Collection?

Blood spot collection is a method of blood sampling and testing that does not require the person to attend a medical setting to provide liquid blood. In this blog post, we aim to cover what blood spot collection is and why it is used. Read more.

How to Collect a Dry Blood Spot Sample?

Collecting dry blood spot (DBS) samples is a relatively straightforward process providing instructions are followed and samples are not contaminated before drying. This blog post will cover how a dry blood spot sample is collected and what applications benefit from this method. Read more.